
In addition to the Empowering You! series, the Dayton Area League is pleased to share the following videos.

Conversation on Democracy with David Pepper. Cosponsored by LWVGDA and the Sisters of the Precious Blood. (Recorded on 21 Mar 2024.)

“Redistricting: What it Means for YOU”. Moderated by LWVGDA’s Dianne Herman, a panel of five experts discuss the history of gerrymandering in Ohio, the process used to draw the district maps we have now, and the changes needed to make the maps fair in future. (Recorded on 28 September 2022.)

“Ombudsman Office Dayton Area League of Women Voters“. Ombudsman Diane Wellborn speaks with representatives of the Dayton Area League of Women Voters: Christine Corba, Executive Director; Mario, President; and Dianne Herman, Vice President of Voter Service.

“Reaching Across the Aisle: A
Conversation with Tony Hall and
Bob Taft”
. During these highly partisan times, it can be difficult to find common ground. Ambassador Tony Hall and Governor Bob
Taft, long-time friends, will discuss the art of working across party lines to drive positive change. (Recorded 8 June 2022.)

TEDx talk by Dayton League member Andrea Walker Cummings. Cummings discusses her art piece featuring Jewelia Ann Galloway Higgins. then shifts into the history of Black Americans and voting, including examples from her own family lore. She spoke on this piece and its connection to the Sayton Suffragettes as part of our Dine and Dish series, and a print of “Mondays at the Booth” proudly hangs in our office, a gift from Susan Hesselgesser upon her retirement in 2020.

Zoom Party for Susan Hesselgesser, retiring Executive Director (27 April 2021). We began our trip down memory lane with a look back to 2009, when Janis James was President and Susan was our part -time Education Director. Janis related how the Board recognized the need for an Executive Director to cover much more than our educational needs: it was necessary to hire someone to help manage the myriad of details that were previously all covered by volunteers, since so many League leaders now had full-time jobs. Susan applied for that position, and was immediately hired as our very first Executive Director under Jo Columbro’s Presidency 2011-2013. Subsequent League presidents reminisced about their time serving with Sue, as we honored her dedication and contributions to our League of Women Voters since 2009.

People-Powered Day of Action: Redistricting in Ohio (29 April 2021). The League of Women Voters of Greater Dayton hosted this live Zoom webinar to explain our current district maps, the reforms that were adopted, and how the community can get involved. Recorded Zoom link.

Dangerous Dames of Dayton 2020 (23 March 2021) honoring Brenda Whitney (posthumous), Daj’za Demmings, and all our local Health Care Nurses. Our guest speaker was Jana Collier, Publisher, Cox Enterprises Ohio Newspapers. Recorded Zoom link.

Voting Rights Act: Then and Now, presentation by Ohio Supreme Court Justice Melody Stewart on 6 August 2020. Recorded Zoom Link.

Gerrymandering: Manipulating the Boundaries of an Electoral Constituency. Presentation by Dennis Turner, Professor Emeritus at the University of Dayton School of Law, and part of the Centerville-Washington History 2020-2021 , Speaker Series.

Let the Women Vote: The History of the 19th Amendment

This slideshow commemorates the anniversary of the 19th Amendment, and all our League has stood for these past 100 years.

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The League of Women Voters of the Greater Dayton Area is among the largest and most active Leagues in the state, and that’s because of the support it receives from its members and the community.

In the past year, members of your League volunteered countless hours to educate the community about redistricting, advocate for change, publish the annual Voters Guide, register hundreds of voters, and provide information citizens need to make educated decisions at the polls.

It is crucial that each of us take an active role in our government. Please consider a gift today and help your League continue its work to empower all citizens to participate in the political process.