by Penny Wolff
League members may have seen on Facebook, or heard of, past President Vivienne Himmell’s peaceful passing on December 1, outside Philadelphia, at the age of ninety-four, surrounded by her family. Beth asked me to write a bit about Viv, especially for those who may not have known her or about her long-term active participation in League for over 50 years. Viv and I were “Philly sisters,” i.e., born, raised, and schooled in Philadelphia. Although we were several years apart in age, we both inherited the same interest in community and civic engagement, and we both lived elsewhere before moving to Ohio. Viv was the Intake Director of Adult Services with the Montgomery County Board of Disability Services when I met her, and I was the Deputy Administrator for Human Services Levy discretionary funds for which her agency applied. We were also members of the League of Women Voters.
Viv served as President 2002-2005. She plowed into her work whatever and wherever it was. She had a certain style of leading others into the fold and developing deep relationships where she would present what League was about. She believed everyone had the right to vote. She was non-exclusionary. She embodied diversity, equity, and inclusion before it was a mainstream effort.
Along with a wonderful sense of humor and a “laugh full of heart,” Viv possessed a subtle skill of persuasion – no one could turn Viv down. League members who have served as President tell how they took on a leadership role, and that applied to me. Viv would ask you to lunch, tell you that “we have a role for you” and you would succumb. I remember our lunch so well and how she used her amazing spirit to entice me to succeed her as president in 2005-2007.
Viv and I worked together on the proposals for the use of Jo Columbro’s legacy gift. She was visionary in wanting to use some of these funds to hire our first paid Executive Director and invest the remainder for the long term. She went out into the community to ask for funds to support Voter Service efforts in the schools and colleges. Even after serving as President, Viv continued as Board Advisor, and on several other committees. I worked with her to reach out to the community in support of the 100th Anniversaries of Women’s Right to Vote and League of Women Voters of the Greater Dayton Area (LWVGDA).
Viv’s community service extended to serving on the Human Services Levy Council and the boards of Resident Home Association and Partners for Community Living, the latter of which honored her in 2014 with the John Pratt Legacy Award. She was the recipient of a Dangerous Dame of Dayton award in 2019. In 2020 Viv was recognized by the Dayton Daily News as a Daytonian of the Week in commemoration of the 100thanniversary of women’s suffrage.
Viv moved back to the Philadelphia area after her husband Roger died to be near her two surviving daughters (a third died earlier). I visited her in 2022. Her goal was to join a local League and find a bridge club (she and Roger were advanced bridge players). Mario had an enjoyable lunch with Viv and one of her daughters this past summer.
Comments from Facebook and online:
- Mentor, confidante, advisor, friend to many
- Viv made an indelible mark in every community she touched; will be missed but not forgotten
- Many happy musical moments with Viv & Roger
- She was an inspiration
- Someone I could always count on to listen and point me in the right direction
- She was a true professional who really helped others
- A wonderful lady
- A Renaissance woman
- What an amazing woman. Her light and talent shined so brightly
- A wonderful, witty, inspirational friend
- Good friend, mentor, well informed, great conversationalist
- A true pioneer, empowering women
- Trusted advisor, someone you could not say “no” to
- May her memory be for a blessing
One of Viv’s daughters posted on Cooper Lofts Facebook page (where Viv and Roger used to live) that they are planning a Zoom Memorial sometime next month and will keep residents posted. League member Kathy Turner lives there and will send me details as well as Viv’s daughters’ full names and addresses where we can send condolences. The League Board will discuss a fitting way to honor Viv. Her energetic and positive spirit leaves an imprint on our League for posterity.
*I want to thank Dona Fletcher for her conversation with me as I pieced this together and to Sue Hesselgesser whose nomination of Viv as Daytonian of the Week I found online.