Directory of Public Officials
The Directory of Public Officials contains names, address and contacts for all the public officials representing Montgomery and Greene County citizens. The 2024 edition will be available in mid-March. You can order printed copies and they will be mailed or delivered to you.
Printed copies cost $8 each. For orders of 10 or more, the cost is $7 each and they will be hand-delivered.
Order printed copies of the 2024 directory
Print and fill out the Order Form, and mail it with payment to:
127 N. Ludlow St., Talbott Tower
Dayton, OH 45402-1703
Make checks payable to LWVGDA.
Order printed copies via PayPal
(Please change quantities in the PayPal Shopping Cart page, and make sure to include the correct shipping charge based on total number of copies ordered.)
1-9 copies ($8.00 each)
10 or more copies ($7.00 each)
Member single copy ($5.00)
Shipping: 1-3 copies ($3.00)
Shipping: 4-9 copies ($5.00)