About Us

The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Any person who subscribes to the purpose and policies of the League of Women Voters is eligible for membership. Voting members must be at least 16 years of age.

Political but non-Partisan

The League of Women Voters is political but nonpartisan. The League does not support or endorse any political party or any candidate for office. The League does take a position on issues after careful study leading to a consensus of the membership. These positions form the basis for our action, which includes contacting public officials, writing letters to the editor, circulating petitions, and even litigation.

Members, as individuals, are encouraged to participate fully in the political process and persons with partisan affiliations are welcome in the League. Members holding certain League offices and positions, however, are precluded from active partisan activities.


The Dayton League of Women Voters was founded in May 1920, just months after formation of the National LWV, and passage of the 19th amendment granting women the right to vote. An outgrowth of the women’s suffrage movement. League initially addressed founder Carrie Chapman Catt’s famous question: “Now that you have the vote, what are you going to do with it?” Since then, the League has continued to educate both women and men on the political issues that affect their lives, and to advocate for voting rights and accountable government at all levels.

As we enter our second century, the work of the League has never been more important.

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Support Your League:
Give to the Leadership Circle

The League of Women Voters of the Greater Dayton Area is among the largest and most active Leagues in the state, and that’s because of the support it receives from its members and the community.

In the past year, members of your League volunteered countless hours to educate the community about redistricting, advocate for change, publish the annual Voters Guide, register hundreds of voters, and provide information citizens need to make educated decisions at the polls.

It is crucial that each of us take an active role in our government. Please consider a gift today and help your League continue its work to empower all citizens to participate in the political process.