Capitol Chat: Behind the Scenes
Join the League on Tuesday, January 28 for a “behind the scenes” look at the happenings in Columbus
We encourage the informed and active participation of citizens in government, work to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influence public policy through education and advocacy.
Do you have questions about the voting process – where to vote, how to get an absentee ballot, how to contact your county Board of Elections?
Our members are men and women who want to make a difference – for their communities, their country, and themselves. We advocate for voting rights, civic engagement, and accountable government.
The League involves its grassroots membership in a thorough study of pertinent issues. We look at all sides and implications. Then our membership must reach consensus on a position.
The League of Women Voters of the Greater Dayton Area is an organization fully committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in principle and in practice.
Join us at this “slightly scandalous” event that celebrates the accomplishments of local women.
Whatever the issue, the League believes that government policy, programs and performance must meet these criteria:
Join the League on Tuesday, January 28 for a “behind the scenes” look at the happenings in Columbus
Join us April 1 at this “slightly scandalous” event that celebrates the accomplishments of local women
An extraordinary tribute to an extraordinary woman who contributed so much to our League and to our community
127 N. Ludlow St.
Talbott Tower
Dayton, OH 45402-1703
Voter FAQ
Local Positions
Know your Ohio Govt
Report to the Community
Empowering YOU!
The struggle for human rights overrides all differences of color, nation or language. Those who hunger for freedom, who thirst for human dignity and who suffer for the sake of justice — they are the patriots of this cause.
― Jimmy Carter